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Jazzwize N° 167


Jazzwize - September 2012

Editor Jazzwize Publication Ltd
Date September 2012
Format Magazine
Pages 68 pages
Location UK
Language English


  • p 4-10 : News
    Robert Glasper for London Jazz Festival... Arturo Sandoval and John Scofield for Bristol Jazz Fest... John Paul Jones and Supersilent hit the road ... and all the latest news and gossip from the world of jazz
  • p 13 : The Way It Is
    Stuart Nicholson on risible Romney
  • p 14 : Jazz On Film
    Selwyn Harris gets rebellious with Brando’s The Wild One
  • p 16-17 : Taking Off
    Mole and Tingvall Trio are the ones to watch
  • p 36-50 : CD Reviews
    Over 100 CDs reviewed including lan Shaw, Django Bates, Joe Locke, Jan Garbarek, Terje Rypdal and many more
  • p 52 : Books and DVDs
  • p 55 : The Player
    Pete Whittaker on his favourite keyboards
  • p 56 : Instruments
    All the latest instrument reviews and news
  • p 58-59 : Live Reviews
  • p 60-62 : Gig Guide
    Your essential guide to the must-see gigs this month
  • p 64 : Subscriptions
    Save money and grab a free Basho Records CD
  • p 66 : Letters
    Write in - have your say


  • p 18 : Django Bates
    The renowned pianist and composer talks fast and loose about his current crop of projects
  • p 22 : Cassandra Wilson
    Returning with a shimmering new album the great vocalist (pictured) discusses her artistic rebirth
  • p 26 : Bob Belden
    The New York saxophonist, composer and conspiracy theorist is back with a biting and brilliant new album
  • p 28 : Trish Clowes
    Rising star saxophonist reveals the poetic inspiration behind her fine second album
  • p 30 : Turning Point
    Drummer Adam Nussbaum on the album that changed his life
  • p 32 : Bill Evans
    Brian Priestley takes an in-depth look at the highly influential pianist, and digs out a great lost interview from 1972